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SPDs, SPGs and other guidance

Waverley Cycling Plan

Adopted 19 April 2005

Bramley Conservation Area Appraisal

Adopted 19 July 2005

Farnham Conservation Area Appraisal

Adopted 22 February 2005

Planning Infrastructure Contributions

Adopted 22 April 2008 - please note that some parts of this SPD have been superseded by the CIL Regulations

Residential Extensions

Adopted 12 October 2010

Upper Tuesley (land adjacent to Milford House Hospital) Development Brief

Adopted 17 July 2012

Shopfronts Design Guide

Adopted July 2016

Affordable Housing SPD Update

Adopted March 2023

Dunsfold Park Garden Village SPD

Dunsfold Park Garden Village SPD

Climate Change and Sustainability SPD

Climate Change and Sustainability SPD

Wrecclesham Conservation Area Appraisal

Adopted October 2002

Policy H4: Density and Size of Dwellings in the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002

Adopted 14 October 2003

Street Cafes and Placing of Chairs and Tables on the Highway

Adopted August 2002*

*Please note that we intend to produce revised, up-to-date guidance in 2021/22. In the interim, please also see our information on Pavement Licensing.

Surrey Design as Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Adopted by Waverley Borough Council on 23 April 2002

Please note that the guidance on requirements for refuse and recycling provision on new developments is currently being redrafted and updated. If you need to discuss waste management matters, please contact and the Environmental Services team will be able to assist you.

Please note that work on an accessible version of the Statement of Community Involvement is currently being undertaken. If you would like to know when this is available, please contact

Surrey County Council is responsible for minerals and waste policies and plans.