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Pavement licence - guidance


Businesses selling food or drink need permission to put furniture (including tables and chairs) on the pavement for your customers where it is part of the public highway. (Note: Advertising "A" boards are not covered by the pavement licensing regime)

Previously, Surrey County Council dealt with pavement licensing, but this formal process was suspended to help support businesses. These measures were temporary, lasting until the end of September 2024.  Most recently on 31 March 2024 new provisions in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act (LURA) 2023 were introduced to provide for a permanent pavement licensing regime in England to replace the temporary provisions in the Business and Planning Act 2020 which is undertaken by Waverley Borough Council.

Any business wishing to apply for a new pavement licence will need to make a new application to Waverley. Any business wishing to renew their pavement licence can do this at any time prior to the expiry of their current licence.

You will need to supply a number of supporting documents and provide a copy of a current certificate of insurance that covers third party and public liability risks, to a minimum of £10 million.

New and/or renewal pavement licences may now be granted for a length of Waverley Borough Council's choosing, up to two years.

We publish pavement licence applications so that people can comment or object to your application. They have 14 days to comment beginning the day after we receive the application electronically.

All licences, including granted licences, are shown on the Public register

The fee for a new pavement licence is £500.

The fee for renewing a pavement licence is £300.

Please read the Government’s guidance on Pavement Licences

Apply online using the link below.  Please have these documents ready to submit with your application online:

  • a site plan showing the location of the premises shown by a red line
  • a detailed plan clearly showing:
    • the proposed area covered by the licence in relation to the highway, with measurements
    • the positions and number of tables, chairs any other items to be placed on the highway
    • measurements of pathway width/length, building width and any other fixed items
  • a risk assessment showing how you will manage: social distancing and the conflict between pedestrians, those using the tables, and those queuing to access the premises
  • evidence of the right to occupy the premises (eg the lease)
  • photos/brochures showing the type of furniture and information showing the siting of it
  • information about any existing pavement licence under consideration by us
  • evidence that you have given notice of the application (e.g photographs of the notice outside the premises and of the notice itself, see template below)
  • a copy of a current certificate of insurance that covers the activity for third party and public liability risks, to a minimum value of £10 million, and
  • any other evidence needed to demonstrate how our local conditions, and any national conditions will be satisfied. 

Apply for a pavement licence for your pub, café or restaurant

Site notice template for display by an applicant for a pavement licence

The fee for a new pavement licence is £500.

The fee for renewing a pavement licence is £300.

Please read our Pavement Licensing Policy 

The full details of regulations: Business and Planning Act - UK legislation website

You can also email