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Authority monitoring reports (AMRs)

What is an Authority Monitoring Report?

It is a report which monitors the progress made on the preparation and implementation of the Local Plan. It used to be called the Annual Monitoring report.

Current Authority Monitoring Report

2022-2023 Authority Monitoring Report

What is in the report?

The report covers:

  • Progress with the Local Plan preparation
  • Any supplementary planning documents that have been prepared or adopted during the reporting period
  • Information on saved policies from the 2002 Local Plan (now superseded following the adoption of Local Plan Part 2 in March 2023)
  • An indication of net additional dwellings or net additional affordable dwellings that have been permitted and completed during the reporting period
  • Activity on duty to cooperate
  • How implementation of Local Plan 1 policies is progressing
  • Information on the progress of Neighbourhood Plans
  • Any other information collected for monitoring purposes

Past Authority Monitoring Reports