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Site visits

Before the site visit

The officer will check the plans and proposal, check they have all the relevant documentation and arrange access to the site with the applicant or agent.

During the site visit

The officer will need to access the site to view the areas affected by the proposal. They will review the plans, take photographs and notes, and sometimes measure distances/heights.  They may ask for points of clarification from the applicant or agent if present. They may also wish to visit neighbouring properties to assess the impact of the development from there.

After the site visit

The officer will upload any photographs and notes onto the Council’s confidential case management system which will be used during discussions about the proposal with managers before making a recommendation.

Committee site visits

Occasionally, where an application is referred to the Planning Committee to make a decision, members of the committee (Councillors) may propose to undertake a site visit prior to the committee meeting taking place, to help them with their decision making. In this instance, the site visit will be led by officers, who will point out factual information in relation to the proposal and indicate to the committee where the new development is proposed to take place. The site visit is not open to members of the public and they will only be allowed to accompany Councillors at the discretion of the chairman. The chairman may also invite the applicant or their agent to clarify points on site, for the benefit of the members of the committee, but it is not an opportunity for representations to be heard (from any party). Any questions raised, or responses given, will be directed through the Chairman.

Appeal site visits

If a planning decision is appealed, the Planning Inspector (appointed by the Secretary of State) will undertake a site visit. For smaller sites, or ones where the site is viewable from public vantage points, the Inspector may make an unaccompanied visit. Where that is not possible, the Inspector will make an accompanied visit with representatives from each side present, as well as any third parties who may have requested to be present. The site visit will follow a similar procedure to the committee site visit, with the Inspector able to ask for clarification from either party. Sometimes, if the appeal is being determined by way of a Public Inquiry, or a Hearing, the Inspector may leave the Inquiry of Hearing ‘open’ for the duration of the site visit, and will allow representations to be heard from both parties on site. In all cases, the Inspector will decide the time and date of the site visit, and will set out on what basis the visit will proceed.