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Public Health Funerals

We can arrange a funeral if no one else is available to do so.  This is our duty under Section 46 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984.

Key points

  • We will not become involved if funeral arrangements have already been made or the funeral has already taken place. Anyone giving instruction to a firm of funeral directors is responsible for any costs incurred.
  • We will recoup all costs incurred in arranging the funeral. Legally, we have first call on the deceased's estate and may collect any and all sums of money due or belonging to the deceased and sell any belongings of the deceased in order to help offset the costs. We would bear the costs of any shortfall.

Help with funerals

If you or any next of kin of the deceased are in receipt of benefits, you may be eligible for a funeral payment from the Department of Work and Pensions. This payment will in most cases pay for most, if not all, of the funeral bill (dependent on what was requested of the funeral director). It is sensible to let the funeral director know of any financial limitation so that they can be sure to offer you services within your means.

More information on what to do after someone dies

Freedom of Information requests

Waverley Borough Council receives several requests each month under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information about public health funerals.  To reduce the number of requests received, you can download details of these funerals below.  We also show whether any of these cases have been passed to the Government Legal Department.

Public Health Act funerals in Waverley (PDF)