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Stop Cold Calling information

Scams target people of all ages, backgrounds and income levels.  One of the best ways to fight the scammers is to take steps to prevent yourself from being caught out in the first place.  

Door step cold callers 

Often referred to as Nottingham Knockers, these are doorstep callers who target areas offering small household products for sale. 

Free door stickers

Free door stickers are available to stop doorstep traders and cold callers.  Email to request a pack.

For more information visit Surrey County Council's Trading Standards webpage.

Trading Standards (Surrey County Council)

Remember - if cold callers don't get any sales in your area, they are less likely to return.

Scam prevention stickers

A free leaflet, which includes stickers for telephone handsets and cheque books, is available to remind you not to give out bank details over the phone or to think twice about writing out a cheque in response to a mailing.    Email to request a pack.

For more information visit Surrey County Council's Trading Standards webpage.

Trading Standards (Surrey County Council)

The Little Book of Big Scams, available on the Surrey Police website, contains information on the evolving ways criminals use to scam the public along with information and advice to help you identify potential frauds.

Report a fraud or cybercrime online

You can report a fraud or cybercrime online by visiting the Action Fraud website.  Their online tool will guide you through simple questions to identify what has happened.

Latest crime figures

Find the latest crime figures for your area by visiting the national website for policing

Neighbourhood Watch

Find your local Neighbourhood Watch scheme.

Surrey Police Pegasus Scheme

If you have a disability or illness that makes it hard to communicate with the police in an emergency or difficult situation you can register with Surrey Police's Pegasus Scheme.  This will let the police know that you may require additional help and support when you are contacting them.  

For more information and how to register with the scheme visit Surrey Police's Pegasus Scheme.