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Brownfield Register

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 require the council to prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land which is suitable for residential development. Brownfield land is previously developed land which has a specific definition within the National Planning Policy Framework.

Download the Waverley Brownfield Register (PDF)

Download the Waverley Brownfield Register (CSV) 

The persistent URL for the Waverley Brownfield Register is: policy/Brownfield Register 2023.xlsx?ver=qGpHEu8kqsSVRU4CaCN3IQ%3d%3d

The Brownfield Land Register comprises information about sites, as set out in Government guidance. It must be kept in two parts, using a standard format:

  • Part 1 comprises brownfield sites in Waverley that are assessed to be suitable, available and achievable for housing-led development, irrespective of planning status. Sites must be 0.25 hectares or larger, or capable of supporting at least 5 dwellings.
  • Part 2 is a subset of the Part 1 Register and comprises sites that the Council deems suitable to grant Permission in Principle (PiP).

The council has not granted any PiPs to date, so the register consists of Part 1 only.

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