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Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on certain types of development in Waverley. The money we collect is then used to fund the infrastructure in our borough which is needed to support new development.

We adopted our CIL Charging Schedule on 31 October 2018 and it was implemented from 1 March 2019.

CIL Privacy Notice

The CIL charge varies for different types of development. For residential development, CIL is charged on new floorspace of 100 sqm or more and new annexes or dwellings of any size. Any floorspace forming part of the CIL calculation is measured as gross internal area (GIA) using the methodology contained in the RICS Code of Measuring Practice (currently in its 6th edition).

We will calculate your CIL charge once you have received your planning permission and then we will send you a Liability Notice to tell you how much it is. If you want to get an idea of how much it might cost before you submit your planning application, you can use our CIL Calculator.

This table summarises our indexed CIL rates for 2025. To find out which Zone you are in, search your address on our Planning Maps.



CIL Charging Schedule Rate (per sq. m)

Indexed 2025 CIL Rate: (per sq. m)

Residential dwellings – schemes of more than 10 units

Zone A



Zone B



Residential dwellings – schemes of 10 or less

Zone A



Zone B



All uses at Dunsfold Aerodrome Strategic Site

Zone C



Older person housing (retirement and supported living) with affordable housing

Zone A



Zone B



Older person housing (retirement and supported living) without affordable housing

Zone A



Zone B



Small Convenience Store



£ 92.22





Town Centre Retail (other than convenience)




Out of Centre Retail (other than convenience)




All other uses




For full information about the CIL rates, please see the CIL Charging Schedule.

Past Annual CIL Rate Summaries:

You will need to submit a CIL Additional Information Requirement Form (Form 1) with your application.

Read the Planning Application - Additional Information Requirements Guidance before filling in the form.

If your development does not require planning permission or is permitted under a 'general consent', such as permitted development or prior approval, you must submit a CIL Form 5: Notice of Chargeable Development to the Council before you commence development.

If your development is CIL liable and retrospective (under section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990) , the CIL payment will be due immediately upon the grant of planning permission and will incur late payment interest from the day after the planning decision is issued to when the CIL is paid in full. You will not be eligible to apply for any exemption or relief from the CIL if your development is retrospective.

If your development is CIL liable and you haven’t already, you will need to complete a CIL Form 2: Assumption of Liability. You should also complete any forms for exemptions you wish you apply for. These forms can be found on the Planning Portal.

Once we’ve received your CIL Form 2, we’ll send you a Liability Notice which tells you what the CIL charge will be for your development.

Regardless of a relief or exemption, you must submit a valid CIL Form 6: Commencement Notice before the development commences. The only exception to this is if residential extension exemption is granted for the whole chargeable development.

We will send acknowledgement letters for all CIL forms (2-14) submitted.  Please do not start work (including demolition/site preparation) until you have received all relevant acknowledgements. Please provide an email address as this will speed up the process.

We do not offer discretionary CIL relief. However, the following types of development may receive some or full relief from the CIL, if eligible:

  • social housing relief
  • charitable relief
  • self-build exemption (whole house)
  • residential annex exemption
  • residential extension exemption

We don't automatically apply any relief or exemption and you must make an application using the relevant forms and by submitting supporting information and/or evidence. You must wait for approval of the relief or exemption before commencing any works. In all the above cases there are particular criteria to be met for a relief or exemption to be granted.

CIL exemptions and relief forms

If you are granted an exemption, we strongly advise you to read the Planning Portal and the National Planning Practice Guidance to ensure your exemption is not lost because of disqualifying events.

Appeals can be lodged against some aspects of the CIL charge. The different types of appeal are set out in this table published on GOV.UK

Request a review

If you disagree with the issued Liability Notice, you may first request a review under Regulation 113 of the CIL Regulations. To do this, a written request must be made within 28 days of the Liability Notice being issued. Further details are available for this process within the issued Liability Notice.

We will notify you of the decision of the review within 14 days of receiving your request. However, where development is commenced before you receive notification of the decision, the review will lapse and the original amount will become due for payment as set out in the Demand Notice. If this does not resolve the issue, you may then appeal under Regulation 114 to the Valuation Office Agency.

It is also possible to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate against a surcharge or enforcement action taken by us in relation to the non-payment of CIL.

The below instalments policy has been prepared and published in accordance with Regulation 69B of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended). The instalments policy took effect from 1 March 2019.

We will allow the payment of CIL as follows:

Amount of CIL Liability

Number of Instalment Payments

Amount or proportion of CIL payable in any instalment/ time at which payments are due

Less than £100,000

No instalments

  • Total amount payable within 90 days of commencement of development.

Equal to or greater than £100,000 and less than  £500,000


  • The greater of £100,000 or 50% of the value of the total payable amount within 90 days of commencement of development.
  • Balance payable within 360 days of commencement of development.

Equal to or greater than £501,000  and less than £2,000,000


  • 25% of the value of the total amount payable within 90 days of commencement of development
  • Additional 25% of the value of the total amount payable within 360 days of commencement of development
  • Balance payable within 540 days of commencement of development.

Equal to or greater than £2,000,001


  • 25% of the value of the total amount payable within 90 days of commencement of development
  • Additional 25% of the value of the total amount payable within 360 days of commencement of development
  • Additional 25% of the value of the total amount payable within 540 days of commencement of development
  • Balance payable within 720 days of commencement of development.

The ability to pay by instalment is subject to:

  • a person(s) assuming liability to pay CIL in respect of a chargeable development, prior to the commencement of that chargeable development 
  • a valid commencement notice (CIL Form 6) being submitted to the Council in respect of a chargeable development, prior to the commencement of that chargeable development.

Retrospective development will not be eligible to pay by instalment. Where an instalment payment is not received in full on or before the day on which it is due, the unpaid balance of the CIL liability becomes payable in full immediately.

Please read the details in your Demand Notice for information on how to pay us. If you have a payment query, please email

If payment is not made on time, the council will use measures within CIL Regulations to recover any outstanding CIL owed.

These measures penalise late payment and discourage future non-compliance and include, but are not limited to:

  • The loss of an ability to pay by instalment (where applicable)
  • The application of late payment interest
  • The application of late payment surcharges
  • The progression of CIL Stop Notice procedures.

Please refer to the Council's CIL Enforcement Policy that was adopted at the Council meeting on 17 December 2024:

CIL Enforcement Policy

Our developer contributions database will show the money collected through CIL and how the money will be spent. You can also view S106 contributions on the site:

Developer contributions database

The Infrastructure Funding Statement is published annually, and provides a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to S106s and CIL within Waverley. It includes a statement of infrastructure projects that Waverley Borough Council intends to be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL.

We have an Infrastructure Delivery Plan (IDP) which sets out the infrastructure required to support planned growth in Waverley, as well as the cost and phasing of delivery:

We did not collect any CIL receipts during the financial year 2018-2019. This is because we implemented CIL on 1 March 2019.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (Amendment) (England) (No.2) Regulations 2019 came into force on 1 September 2019. Under these regulations, Infrastructure Funding Statements (IFS) will replace CIL Regulation 123 Lists as the mechanism through which projects are identified for CIL funding.

The IFS will be published annually, and provide a summary of all financial and non-financial developer contributions relating to S106s and CIL within Waverley. It will include a statement of infrastructure projects that Waverley Borough Council intends to be, or may be, wholly or partly funded by CIL.

Town and Parish Councils must also prepare a CIL report, for any financial year in which they receive CIL receipts.

To understand how you can apply for CIL monies to fund infrastructure, visit our page on bidding for CIL money.

We undertook two consultations on the proposed CIL charges, and submitted the CIL Draft Charging Schedule to the Planning Inspectorate for examination on 11 May 2018. Mr Philip Staddon BSc, Dip, MBA, MRTPI conducted the Examination Hearing on 17 July 2018.

We received the Inspector's Report on 1 October 2018. It recommended that Waverley's CIL Charging Schedule should be approved.

The CIL Charging Schedule and associated policies were adopted on 31 October 2018 at a meeting of the full Council. The Charging Schedule came into effect on 1 March 2019.