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Saving energy

With energy bills going up, we are all looking for ways to save money. Here are some useful tips for saving energy at home and keeping your bills down.  

  • Keep radiators clear - move furniture away so that the warmth can circulate better. 
  • Draught-proof your windows, doors and loft hatch to save around £30 a year. (Avoid draught-proofing kitchen and bathroom windows or rooms that are prone to damp). 
  • Use energy saving light bulbs.  These typically use around 60% less energy, saving up to £35 per year in electricity bills. 
  • Remember to turn your electrical appliances off at the socket when not in use as they could still use energy on standby mode. 
  • Only fill the kettle with as much water as you need, and you could save around £7 in energy bills a year. 
  • Keep your showers short.  Spending one minute less in the shower each day will save you money on your energy bill, as well as your water and sewerage bills if you have a water meter. 
  • Don't overpay for the energy you're using.  Get advice on switching supplier from Citizens Advice website. 
  • Compare gas and electricity prices and make sure you are on the cheapest tariff for you.  

More information 

Energy Saving Trust