We investigate complaints about excessive noise and can take action if the noise is considered to be a statutory nuisance.
Because noise assessments will vary according to the source of noise (music, machinery, equipment, etc.) and the way people are exposed to it (eg in their homes, late at night, frequently and so on) it is difficult to provide advice that will apply to all circumstances.
Before you make a complaint
You should first try to resolve the problem early on by talking to whoever is responsible for the noise, before going down the formal complaint route. The Problem Neighbours website has some useful advice on how to do this.
What happens after I make a complaint?
We usually write to the person you have complained about. We explain your complaint, offer advice and invite them to discuss the matter with us. At this stage in the investigation we do not tell them who has made the complaint.
Noise diary
If you make a complaint, we will send you a 'noise diary' to fill in. The evidence you record is used to help determine what steps we need to take in our investigations (e.g. officer visits, install monitoring equipment, etc). Completed noise diaries can also used as evidence in court to support a case if needed.
Submit a noise complaint online
Night-time complaints
Please note that we cannot deal with noise complaints immediately.
You can either submit a complaint about noise online or call our main switchboard on 01483 523333. You will be directed to our out-of-hours service, where someone will record your complaint.
If you are troubled by noise, or have a general enquiry, please contact us:
Tel: 01483 523393 (Mondays-Thursdays: 8.45am-5.15pm; Fridays: 8.45am-4.45pm)
Email: environmentalhealth@waverley.gov.uk