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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

We recognise the value and worth of everyone who lives and works in the borough and we will actively promote diversity and equal opportunities for all, regardless of age, race, disability, religion or belief, sex, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, gender reassignment, income or wealth, upholding the provisions of the Equality Act 2010.

Our equality objectives 

We will:

  • provide high quality public services which are accessible to all; delivered fairly and with an understanding of where need is greatest  
  • work with partners to develop cohesive communities where equality, diversity and inclusion are respected and championed in accordance with the principles above and discrimination is eliminated 
  • actively welcome into Waverley those world citizens who are seeking refuge in the UK from war, repression, natural disasters, extreme hunger and poverty 
  • actively welcome and respect difference and recognise the performance benefits that a diverse and engaged workforce brings and build a culture in which the contribution everyone makes is valued, recognised and celebrated
  • promote an environment where people feel safe to challenge discriminatory behaviour and discriminatory language and will respond swiftly and transparently to any such allegations.  

We will actively promote: 

  • LGBTQ+ rights  
  • the celebration of multiculturalism reflecting the cultural diversity within the borough and beyond 
  • toleration of all religions, beliefs and none 
  • the needs of young and older people across the borough 
  • the right of all disabled people to access services without discrimination and recognise that not all disabilities are visible 
  • gender equality and the use of gender-neutral language wherever appropriate in all council publications 
  • positive role models for minorities and those groups affected by discrimination 
  • the elimination of abusive language and behaviour towards vulnerable groups across the borough, including bullying, discrimination and harassment 
  • the eradication of poverty and social disadvantage within the borough. 

In the next two years we will focus our activity on achieving the following outcomes:  

  • We engage with and understand our communities to ensure our services are accessible and focused on the greatest need and that steps are taken, wherever possible, to eliminate poverty and social disadvantage.                                     
  • By using feedback we will identify unfair treatment and take steps to correct this, taking a zero tolerance approach to bullying, discrimination and harassment.  
  • The council has a culture in which the contribution everyone makes is valued, recognised and celebrated and everyone feels comfortable to be themselves.  
  • We provide an accessible and inclusive working environment and practices where all are treated fairly, consistently and with respect.  
  • The council has an effective equality impact assessment process to ensure our services and policies do not discriminate or unfairly impact our residents and staff.

Each of these commitments will be implemented through the EDI Action Plan.